Bitcoin Evolution Review 2022: Is it really not a scam?

Read on to know all about Bitcoin Evolution Review: how it works, what it does, and whether or not it is worth your time. 
Categorized as Platform Reviews
ZV Chain Bitcoin Evolution Featured Image

The cryptocurrency market is taking the world by storm. We’ve all seen and heard the stories of people doubling, tripling, and basically multiplying their money in just a short amount of time through cryptocurrency trading.

With the increasing popularity of the crypto space, many different trading platforms or financial market websites have appeared online. One of them is Bitcoin Evolution.

In this Bitcoin Evolution review, we detail everything you need to know about the Bitcoin Evolution App. Read on to know all about Bitcoin Evolution Review: how it works, what it does, and whether or not it is worth your time. Spoiler alert: it is!

Hand holding bitcoin

What is Bitcoin Evolution?

Bitcoin Evolution is essentially a platform that connects you with a diverse set of reputable brokers or financial institutions. A key thing to remember here is that Bitcoin Evolution is not a trading platform in itself. You cannot execute trades or conduct orders through the Bitcoin Evolution app. Its only purpose is to help you get in touch with some of the best brokers in the market to help you launch your crypto trading career. Think of it as your gateway to a multitude of brokers that can offer you diverse trading services. The best of many worlds in just one powerhouse of an app.

How do I set up an account?

Creating a Bitcoin Evolution account is a straightforward process. It only takes three simple steps:

Stacked coins with Bitcoin on the highest stack

1. Open an account

You first need to create a user account with the Bitcoin Evolution system. You will need to register your personal details, including your full name and address. Any sensitive data will be kept private and will only be shared with the platform’s partner brokers. Once this registration process is completed and verified, your Bitcoin Evolution account will be created. Unlike other websites that would need to verify your details for a few days before activation, Bitcoin Evolution’s registration process takes only a few minutes and is absolutely free. In the whole verification process during our Bitcoin Evolution review, we did not encounter any hidden fees or charges.

2. Fund your trading account

Your account automatically connects to brokers. These brokers can provide the best service your trading needs. You first must deposit funds before you can start trading; and multiple payment options are available to do this. You can deposit through credit cards, debit cards, e-wallets, or wire transfers via your local banks.

One thing we like about this particular part of the process is the relatively small fund deposit. Bitcoin Evolution’s partner brokers require only $250 as your initial capital.

3. Begin trading

After completing steps 1 and 2, you can then proceed to the nitty-gritty: cryptocurrency trading. You can use the Bitcoin Evolution app on your mobile or on your desktop, whichever you prefer.

Hand working on mobile screen with statistics

How does Bitcoin Evolution work?

We discovered many different useful features of Bitcoin Evolution during our comprehensive 2022 review. Here are only some of the many things we like about it:

– Demo trading

If you are new to the crypto market and have yet to fully integrate yourself into trading, you can make use of Bitcoin Evolution broker’s demo trading feature.

Through demo trading, you can first test out the brokers’ services and trading platforms using virtual money. Through demo trading, you will be able to find out which trading techniques work for you, and which don’t.

Demo trading is a service that most other platforms do not have. You can turn this feature off once you become more confident with live trading.

– Auto trading

This is arguably one of our favourite features Bitcoin Evolution’s partner brokers are offering, the use of auto trading robots.

An automated trading bot can make your whole trading experience much easier when used correctly. Auto trading means you wouldn’t have to conduct manual trading. Buy and sell positions are automatically completed based on your own set trading parameters and trading signals.

You should not, however, rely solely on auto trading robots in making money. Auto trading robots are there to assist you, not do the work for you. Therefore, you would need to customise your automated trading robot based on prevailing market trends, price analysis, and research. It still requires that you do your own due diligence.

– Copy trading

The Bitcoin Evolution community is made up of a wide pool of regulated and reputable brokers that each have their own diverse set of investment professionals. Some of Bitcoin Evolution’s partner brokers offer copy trading services to its users. This means you can copy the trading techniques or even portfolios of other users who have made their info public.

This is a huge help for beginners who are not yet adept at live trading or manual trading.

– 24/7 customer support

Should you encounter any problems with Bitcoin Evolution’s interface, the customer support team will always be there to assist you no matter the time. This is much unlike other websites where the customer support team is more or less a brick wall that you just bounce off emails to.

bitcoin evolution viewed on mobile laptop and desktop devices

Will I be able to double my money through Bitcoin Evolution?

Always keep in mind that profitable trades are never ensured. This applies to all trading scenarios and is not just limited to the services provided through Bitcoin Evolution. When investing your money, you have to consider all the risk factors as you execute trades. There is always a chance of losing your entire capital. Cryptocurrency markets are finicky and even more volatile than other digital assets. Before you start trading, you must only deposit money that you are prepared to lose.

No one can promise that you will actually generate profits. Bitcoin Evolution only opens up trading opportunities for you. It is not a powerful trading tool that can guarantee you returns no matter the state of the cryptocurrency markets.

Bitcoin Evolution and Elon Musk?

Based on our research, there’s no fundamental proof that Bitcoin Evolution is endorsed by celebrities, much less Elon Musk. Although there have been rumours going around claiming exactly this, Bitcoin Evolution does not actually claim endorsement from celebrities. Be careful of marketing ploys that claim these types of things.

Elon Musk is an important name in the cryptocurrency arena since pretty much everything he likes turns to gold for a few days. Be wary of scams that claim to be able to double your money using his name.

The verdict: Is Bitcoin Evolution a scam?

This Bitcoin Evolution review opened our eyes to many things: 

1) Bitcoin Evolution is a very helpful tool that can connect you with a diverse set of brokers; 

2) The app is straightforward and easy to use, perfect for both newbies and advanced traders; and 

3) It is definitely not a scam. It is 100% legit.

The Bitcoin Evolution website is legitimate and only connects you with brokers that have provided all the necessary regulatory assurances. Using these broker services, you can trade not only bitcoin, but other digital currencies as well.

Risk warning

We cannot stress this enough: nothing written here should be considered investment advice. Cryptocurrency trading is very volatile and is vulnerable to paradigm shifts in the market. Don’t expect to always churn a daily profit, as these things are out of everyone’s control.